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Eau Claire teen Trae Henrichsmeyer big winner at inaugural PBA LBC National Championships

JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Monday, August 7, 2023 7:00 am
Eau Claire teen Trae Henrichsmeyer big winner at inaugural PBA LBC National Championships
Trae Henrichsmeyer, left, with PBA Commissioner Tom Clark, right, after taking the lead at the 2023 PBA LBC National Championships. Photo by PBA.
Trae Henrichsmeyer, a 17-year-old from Eau Claire, earned the $25,000 top prize at the inaugural PBA LBC National Championships that ended last month at Bowlero Wauwatosa. Henrichsmeyer won the Open Classic division with 1,528 for six games, earning him the $25,000 he took in scholarship funding, as well as one of 10 spots for the competition at famed Bayside Bowl in Portland, Maine in September that will result in one player winning $60,000 in a show that airs on FS1. Here is a PBA Facebook...