Billy Eysoldt says he is paying Proprietors Cup bowlers refunds they are owed 'as I can pay them out,' with more than $10,000 of $30,000 owed paid back to date
JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Friday, August 2, 2019 3:00 pm
Billy Eysoldt with the signature stash of cash that went to cashers at the Proprietors Cup back when he was running it. Photo from Facebook.
If you want to read the background on Billy Eysoldt’s financial troubles and how he ceased to be involved in the Proprietors Cup after the 2018 tournament, the details are in my story here.
I was contacted recently by two bowlers who said they wanted to go on the record about the money Eysoldt still owes them, and I then obtained Eysoldt’s response.
Kyle Hinnerichs was the first to contact me, stating that he knew of bowlers who were owed money by Eysoldt but weren’t being...