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New CTD TruCut Gloss Powered by Turtle Wax gives resin balls urethane motion — but better

JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Thursday, December 7, 2023 8:00 am
New CTD TruCut Gloss Powered by Turtle Wax gives resin balls urethane motion — but better
My CTD "polish" treated 900 Global ZEN, left, and my normal shiny ZEN, right. The left side of the treated ball is duller than its right side after several games of use, and it needs to be treated again. Photo by Jeff Richgels.
Note: When I first used the treated ball and wrote this review, the name of the product had not been revealed. It later was revealed to be called TruCut Gloss Powered by Turtle Wax, so I updated the headline with the name for ease of search. On Oct. 30, Ronald Hickland Jr. asked me to watch the last couple of minutes of a CTD video with the title: NU BLUE HAMMER | Deep Dive into the Ball That Sent Shockwaves Through Bowling “I think I want to know more!” I messaged Hickland...