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Jeff Barsness slams 848, Becky James fires 805; Alex Herfel rolls first perfect game

JEFF RICHGELS | Posted: Monday, February 15, 2021 6:00 pm

Jeff Barsness slammed an 848 series, Becky James fired an 805, and Alex Herfel rolled his first career perfect game to highlight a big scoring past week of individual certified play in the Madison Area USBC.

Barsness chained games of 300, 279 and 269, while James linked 258, 267 and 280 for the highest women’s series reported to me this season.

Here is video of the close of Barsness’ 300.

Chris Jackson recorded 832 for the men and Hannah Yelk 733 for the women.

Jackson and Matt Mysliwiec in a 799 had their 11th and 18th 300s, respectively, and Jackson made this Facebook post that includes video of both 300s:
“300 #11 and third in as many weeks. Matt joined me today with his 18th! Roto Grip Halo again for me and DV8 Hitman Enforcer for Matt. We’ll let y’all decide who has the better cinematography skills. Matt was going for a Blair Witch vibe.”

Herfel’s 300 came between games of 223 and 194 at Village Lanes, giving him a 717 for his first career 700.

Josh Krueger rolled 804 (280-249-275) and several players just missed a supernational: Matt Krueger 797 (279-239-279), Chris Pollentier 794, and Mike Hoffman 793.

Pollentier’s series included his 23rd career 300 and he made this Facebook post:
“Third 300 game (#23) in the last week and a half! This time with the new Storm Bowling INCITE fresh off-the-press. Available 2/19.
#StormNation #CoachzProShop #TeamCoachz”

Here is video of the close of his 300.

Rick Erce recorded his 38th career 300 and third of the season in a 756 series, Mike Henes rolled his second career 300, and Earl Chandler fired his 16th career 300 in a 770.

Here is video of the close of Erce’s 300:

And here is video of the close of Chandler’s 300:


Finally, a special shout out to Prairie Lanes youth bowlers Tyler Haugen and Michael Powley. Haugen slammed 801 and Powley added 746 as they totaled 1,547 in scratch doubles in the Wisconsin State USBC Youth Championships. Here is a Facebook post.

These scores come from reports to me, Facebook reports or scores printed in the Wisconsin State Journal.

Anyone who has any honor scores to report can send them to me at help@11thframe.com